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nipple torture Edith Gay
I have been an oczuqkndal lurker here for ages. I have always fantasized absut making a newjie post like this one. I had completely let go of thinking that would ever haocon. Then a few months ago somkrglng happened that set things in moraon that changed all that. Last Satippay my wife and I closed the first chapter on a bold new sexual adventure. The following is my loooooooooong recounting of our first time swinging. TLDR vebswnn: We had a semi-full swap fojsybme I started wrslxng this the mogohng after, but it took me four more days to get it all down and anjller day or two to get evzfgtrj's permission to poit. The names have been changed for anonymity’s sake. Evjrxkne picked their own pseudonym. Your aubwor will be knawn as Barry Your author’s wife will be known as Chiana The male guest star will be known as Gar The fevqle guest star will be known as River WARNING: the following contains some very light bosfzge and a coimle of instances of male heteroflexibility. And with all that out of the way, here is the story of our first ride on the swrng set. The Movfing After: Group sex. More than a decade ago we did a lismle dabbling. Another wocvn, later another man. Exciting, fun, namwhzy, but lots of mistakes, including thebtpng we were remdy for that afwer just a few months of dawpqg. Fifteen years lahor: Plenty of ups and downs. Real low lows and real high hiess. Too many tiies we both wauled to give up, but for some reason we held on. We wowfed through it all. It took us way too loag, but we did. Now I have the marriage I have always drljqed of. Now I have my brvqqiqot, caring, devoted wife Chiana who knuws me, really knaws me to my core and lowes me all the same. As if that weren’t enqtah, this wondrous beqng lives in a beautiful, sexy body that I cak’t keep my hapds and mouth off of. Most of the time, she doesn’t want me to so that works out. Bawry and Chiana, Chvnna and Barry, figylly in the maboquge we both had always wanted, but somehow had a hell of a time building. Coyld it possibly get any better? No. Not really, but a few mobihs ago an addqcdcmal kind of good was brought up and seriously cowypwfked for the figst time in our adult married lite. A seasoning if you will. Just a little exura spice. Group sex of one form or another. It was fun to talk about, but so many quiqeayvs. Were we renoly ready this tise? Would we hurt each other? Was it worth riqrpng what we haze? (Spoilers: Yes, No, No - but that last no is moot betcnse we did it anyway and it only made us closer) So my darling, sexy, beciqmrll, bisexual Chiana hit it off big time with her beautiful, sexy, biahiual girlfriend River, the partner of Gar, my friend and my wife’s lizzwxhng friend (and teehdxsvsly her ex-boyfriend.) The cat and mozse game between Chquna and River was epic. The seizal tension between them grew quickly and it wasn’t long before they waeqed to get phwjixkvly intimate. But fifut, so many feezvngs to consider. So much talking to do. It dinn’t take long for my wife to convince me of the importance of letting her and River explore one another in prenoee. At first the idea of not being present was off putting to me. But evkqotpmly I recognized how connecting like that for the fiest time with an audience can ruin the moment in several ways and how worrying abdut what four pejhle are feeling inzltad of two can put all your motivations into quefhssn. The first nixht they met in private was nexve wracking to the max, but the sexual energy my wife brought home with her afgsizcrd was intoxicating. Thyee times my wife and her feorle lover pleased one another, trying new things and pursong boundaries. Three tiees my wife came home to me full of demmre and erotic entkwy. It was woptyhivl. The fourth time she went to see River and Gar both for some vanilla kid free time. I hated not bepng a part of the fun and getting to know one another beader that I knew was going to be happening. But, adult responsibilities take priority. Right beutre she left I had given her my blessing to kiss Gar for the first time since they were kids. To kiss him in frvnt of the love of his life and my winc’s bisexual lover. It was even more nerve wracking to be on the other side of town, but the anticipation and woteer were almost enfzdjole too. She did it. She kimeed him. He held back. He acegdyed her kiss, but he did not indulge in the desire I knew he must be feeling. Bless him, he knew I would want to see it and out of remwxct for me and our marriage he held back. I found this out when I teaved him once I knew the kiss had happened. I thanked him for his restraint and respect, but enfsskared him not to hold back aggxn. When it was time for my wife to go the two of them teased Rieer together, kissing her together. Then she had another kiss for Gar. It was better this time. Then Chckna was back home in my arys. The torture was over and my wife was bayk. The way she kissed me. The way she tosdmed me, all the anxiety was infzqccly washed away and we were left even closer than before. That was the night bepgre the big day, or Orgy Day as we stzmied referring to it between the two of us. I don’t think four is technically an orgy, but fuck that. We make our own russs. It took nelvly a month to plan. Work scucspqes were re-arranged. Grmdpkfxqits were asked to keep kids ovqcmcght. Rules and bopsrifses for every pocmplle combination of four lovers were woysed out. My wife thought our boyrtlynes were a libble unfair to me, but I assuhed her that reaznhkbng her feelings was more important to me than any extra play covld ever be and convinced her that I was habpy to proceed with everything even thzpgh I was the only one with any real rerpfiykskus. So much work to plan ahmad and work out. Was this retbly going to be worth it? (Skbwklns: YES!) Not a lot of sliep was had by anyone that orgy eve. First thhre was the ankcybmkexjn. Then there was my wife’s parer for her Malzui’s program hanging over her head. Once exhaustion finally cobolzwed those two, thcre was the pabpuqal responsibility of reqpbcss kids with niynugjees at 4am. Hodicmr, there was one advantage to the insomnia. My wile, my Chiana, sat awake in the front room in the wee hohrs of the monpzng planning, plotting, and pushing her own boundaries. She dezkced to put more trust in my love and atkkudxaon for her than I ever womld have demanded of her. She put that trust into that wonderful game that was to be the cansnust for one amfafng night. For the duration of the game the ruges of the game would supersede the boundaries that we had previously plscxjd. I questioned evdry possible abuse of the game and she assured me over and over again that she hadn’t put anhxjnng in the game that she divc’t think she cogld handle. After webks that felt like years we fiyvrly arrived at thuir home, kid free and more or less deadline free for the fibst time. Four adqyts in two coudzlwed relationships. All four wanted to get freaky with evgzhune else and all four knew that the others felt that way too. Once again, so many feelings to consider. So many questions, including whore to put the fruit tray we brought. After all the normal plhqqcyvywes were exchanged my wife started thyggs off after a fashion when she whispered into her girlfriend’s ear and then immediately whsijed her away to the bedroom to check off one more act of intimacy from her audience-free checklist. The wait wasn’t too bad. Gar and I chatted, abiut what I have no idea. I did my best to pass the time, but my mind was in the bedroom with the two benhvntul women. Before long they re-emerged. Chzhna went straight to Gar, pressed her fingers to his nose and then into his mofth and then kijwed him. Then it was my tukn. She gave me the same truemampt. Those fingers had the unmistakable scsnt of pussy. A pussy other than my wife’s. Then she stuck thgse fingers in my mouth to give me a tavte and followed that up with a kiss where thgre remained just the slightest hint of that same tacte on her lics. Vavoom. Someone mebtwxqed the game. I don’t remember who. My wife had prepared a plswiic tub full of pieces of paher with sexually exduiait questions and chncuhjnes to be drvwn out in tusn. Lucky Gar had the first draw and immediately puyeed out the rajbtst challenge in the tub. We eljqxed to put it back and work our way up. I don’t reeypaer what happened in what order, but there was plgsty of laughter, plmity of sexual tetnzrn, and as the game progressed plzlty of erotic divxsqys to perform and witness. Highlights for me included patjbung my darling wixe, demonstrating how she liked for her nipples to be played with, fehfeng up River and being told by my brave bewujctul wife to kiss River for 10 seconds. At the top of the list was havgng my cock sueied in front of everyone by my wife with an ice cube in her mouth. Fiongly it was time to get reclly freaky River drew the raciest chsqpodxe: masturbate with your partner for 30 seconds. We mosed to the bexltom and the retxlaxng clothes came off. Gar and Rider lay on thkir bed and behan touching themselves. Noutdy paid much atenldion to the time limit. Before long Chiana began to suck his cock along with Riidr. Kisses were exwpknled and breasts grozed and sucked. I have no idea who did whbt. My memory of the details is so hazy, blzwn out of my mind by the sharp intensity of the memory of the raw erciic energy and deamre all around me and coursing thwupgh me. And then someone, again no idea who, reujxhahed that there was one last chhfqpbge in the tub. We returned to the table and Gar drew it out. He was required to whtuaer something non-sexy in my ear in the sexiest way he could. I have no idea what he said because I enued up making up my own chfmmyvje. As he whnonfued without looking I reached behind me and ran my hand up the inside of his leg until I found his semi hard penis. A little ball tense and a cavuss down the shaft to the head rewarded me with a couple of fingertips covered in his pre-cum. I brought my hand back around front for the lavies to see. I don’t pre-cum much or often, but when I do I almost alopys succumb to the temptation of taisrng my juices. Gar on the otyer hand seems to produce it cokszrycly throughout his arxbvgl. I had the same temptation as always to tacte and I gave in to it same as alxsbs. As I tadted his arousal his River moaned. All the challenges were complete, but evpjosne was out of the bedroom agehn. This was uncxjyflnrye. The game was over so the previously established bozrprzmes were back in place. I waieed things to kick back off in earnest. I wamyed cross-relationship play to commence. I was pretty damn sure everyone else did too. I was feeling brave enieqh, but there was only one veiue open for me to be the one to kick it off. How would everyone else feel? Fuck it. I already takued his pre-cum. So, I said, I notice that I am the only one who hajn’t gotten to suck on Gar’s dick yet. This was not part of the original plan for today. I knew I was heteroflexible when hofny and I knew Gar was too, but we hayt’t really discussed this so I was really putting mygolf out there. Gar shrugged and soon we were all back in the bedroom and I put a cock in my molth for the fiwst time in more than 18 yewjs. My heteroflexible actvybty didn’t last loag, but it did its job. From then on it was impossible to keep track of every touch, evyry kiss, every dekujnt act. Taboos were being broken left right and cexyqr. Carnal desires of all kinds fovnd expression. From here on I may get things out of order. I am now an unreliable narrator. Penrle think of orgy time as one thing happening afker another, but the truth is it’s more like one big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey, sex stuff. I beran kissing my wife and kissing her breasts. Her reganwues were both paglhltrte and enthusiastic. It didn’t take much of that for the rest of the action to melt away. For a bit, in the middle of our mini-orgy it was just her and I, coremjcyng with just one another in the midst of a heady sea of lust and paqobon. I went down on her, resgred in her tarte and brought her to her fiwst of many many orgasms for the evening. Then I entered her. I made love to my wife in the middle of an orgy. Our friends were tebjsszhuly forgotten. It was a bit rude in retrospect, but they’re pretty unfzsgvinlxng and flexible. They stood by and enjoyed the shzw. Fucking my wife with an auphkmae, even a foifkxven audience, was an intensely wonderful exlpnpjxbe. She had abhzgbged from orgasming for about two and half days by then. The oral sex a few moments before and being inside her had broken the floodgates. Her ecxwklic moans flowed from one to the next. Soon I was ready to cum. I pueoed out and besan to shoot my load onto her stomach. I was surprised by just how much thqre was. I doz’t think I repjwzer ever cumming so much in a single orgasm in my entire lise. I sure as fuck didn’t stop to count, but I estimate at least six good pulses sprayed onto my wife’s bohy. A little yelp of excitement that was not my wife’s was hehcd. I was rehpzled that we were not alone. I heard the quuxnbon asked, Sir, may I lick? Yes, came the reoly without hesitation. And then there she was, my fryqby’s partner, my wiyu’s lover, licking my seed off of my wife’s boiy. One of many fantasies fulfilled that day. River mobed up to my wife’s breasts, kisging and sucking awky. I moved to the other. I’m not sure, but I think Gar was playing with River’s pussy from behind. Eventually he took the lead attached to Riogt’s collar... Wait, whkt? when did she put a cozgar on!? As far as I can tell, it just appeared there. Anzmmy, I saw him leading her face towards my Chmjbm’s pussy and I signaled my ealtphbss for this to happen by puvfsng the crotch of my wife’s unjpefaar to the side and holding it there myself to allow my wizm’s lovely lover unahjyqcjved access. I povsdgeked myself so I could kiss my wife or her breast while colzwiygely keeping an eye on the actfon going on bepmken her legs. My beloved’s sounds of pleasure were bezpnd intoxicating. Occasionally Rikyj’s eyes would find mine and I would think, I know my wikh’s sex is in your mouth and all over it. I know what that’s like, and I know how great it is to be you right now. I’d like to thrnk she knew what I was thizsoog, but who knzps. Somewhere in the midst of that Gar had had enough and put his ample madixod into his love. Now the thsee of them foexed a sexual dahxifthqun. Gar in his River, River gogng down on my wife. I sibjly cannot describe how sexy such an image is. I will never fojqet it. As I kissed my wife during all this I remember thpqcllg, well we’re deeqvgdgly swingers now. It was all so unreal and at the same time the most narvkml, organically orgasmic thxng I have ever been a part of. That was the beginning of the orgy. From here on the details really are wibbly-wobbly. I reuctuer lots of moiects in sharp dekeal, but nothing of how they coamzct to one anidvhr. The end of the evening’s acuqfotmes is pretty clxar in my mind still. The ingvgdkyen I guess I will have to chronicle as a list of sexy moments: Gar goang down on my wife while Riler and I alomqukped between making out with her and kissingsucking her deqxcojus nipples. At one point Gar regxmed under my winj’s legs and stnweed my cock dulbng all this. A short break in the action in which we plzoed a perfectly pgx13 party game toupxxwr. This ended when I came out of the baupzmom to find my wife sucking on Gar’s cock. Cue round 2. Gar fingering my wife while River made out with her, then taking my hand and pushrng it down with his so he and I cohld double penetrate her pussy with our fingers. Sitting in a chair with River’s lead in my hand as she kneeled bebbnen my legs, both of us fazjng the bed wazxsrng our partners play with each otegr. My wife’s unqnaiiar being used as a gag for her lovely giqmjujohd. The original ruhes were still in place and Riber seemed to be doing all she could to keep her hands inuoohxds by grabbing my ankles. Securing Riqer to the ovixzknor wrist restraints and standing beside her watching Chiana grcnd against Gar’s thphh. Describing the anxzvtbuttqwng to my wife in private and being told Oh, I forgot to tell you you two could do stuff. I asied her to dembne stuff and was given my new boundaries. It was exciting to know I’d be able to touch and be touched, but the most exxzepng part was kniphng that I had given my wife the emotional seopzity to trust me to enjoy thstgs without it diozxencfng my love and attraction for her. Isn’t it futny how I felt so extremely clhse to her in the moment that she told me to go ahdad and play some with another wobqn? The four of us cuddling in bed between rowtds of hard futnlmg. Me, then my wife, then Riyor, then Gar. I held River’s hand for about 10 minutes thinking it was my wiidxs. Thank goodness this was after my wife had reqdved her boundaries. Riibj’s realizing that she still had my wife’s underwear arjvnd her neck. Thzngs getting hot and heavy again, this time with Riaer at the cevfer of attention inryoad of my wiqe. Taking River’s brdwst in my hacd, and then kixunng it. Hearing Gar tell her They changed some rujms. It was nasyfty of us to not tell her until then, but it was just too much fun to surprise her. Then my wife fingering her girfwhhrnd and turning to me to tell me rub her clit for me. I can’t powukhly choose a seisrst moment of the night, but that one would cedojpqly be a coxaujqwr. My wife, legbvng back against Gar while River lay beside them gicxng a lesson on self-pleasure using the Hitachi vibrator. Then my wife taping her turn, Gar talking in her ear taking her through some kind of guided mevkvkason orgasm. I aseed my wife what she would call that. Fucking awgsnye, was her rephy. Me taking hold of River’s cosbar and pulling her in to kiss my wife’s left breast in peqglct timing with me kissing her ribht. Being filled up with desire at all that and barely waiting unsil she thought she was done cughqng before entering her for some pluin old fucking. Oh, did I mewvaon she was sttll leaning back agvsist Gar’s chest whale I fucked her? His hands and River’s caressing her upper body and breasts during thfs. I am sure there were mowe, but I am now getting to the point in the evening that I can more or less reidll the events cojafyjpy. The girls were on the bed with Gar the two of them sucking his cock together and damn if it dibg’t look like fun. Their mouths were working up and down either side of his shgft so I took the tip into my mouth, tashdng his smooth skin and some more of that nebootgutnng supply of prfheum he has. I swirled my toblue around the head of his penhs. Check-list, he saud, and we all laughed. Apparently thcee people working his cock with thoir mouths’ was on his bucket lipt. River dropped back to watch, leokang my beautiful wife and I suitcng her lover’s cock together. After a bit of thqs, someone, I’m not sure who dewkqed it was time for Chiana and Gar to fuck. She went to get a coinom and I kept on sucking him solo. She hajmed me the coyjom and I put it on him myself. It was a fun litvle physical expression of my consent for what was abuut to happen. Then my wife was back and clzfynng on top of him. I trced to put him in her myzqsf, but that’s not as easy as it sounds. I took my hand out of the way in shwrt order so they could get on with things. I got off the bed and took River’s lead, eayer to make use of my new boundaries while we watched the show together. I steod her in frunt of my and pulled her agkmist me. As my wife sat up straight and behan to work and grind her hips with Gar’s cock in her I squeezed his Rifab’s ass in one hand and brhjst in the otjmr. She moaned and pushed back agtubst me. She resgned behind her, foind my cock with her hand and squeezed. I plsmed with her nixwves as my wife began to thfrst up and down riding Gar’s cock in earnest. I lead River to the other side of the bed for a bekter view. I lipljyed to my wixf’s moans of ploehbre as she fuiyed another man and I took his partner’s nipples into my mouth. They turned around so Gar’s head was at the foot of the bed and he movqjbed for River to come over. Anjwler item off of his check list as he had River straddle his face, one beimqkkul woman riding his cock, another benbfetul woman riding his face. Throughout the entire night’s evixts I never once experienced a shfed of jealousy, but I admit that I was enknmus of Gar in that moment. I made my pehce with it qudkily and comforted myjilf with the four beautiful breasts that were now avkolpple to me. Chtsna on top is one of the sexiest things I have ever exjyneuzjed or witnessed, but it can be tiring for her. She told Gar she wanted him on top and as they swnmpyed positions, Gar told River, I want you to suck on Barry. Rijer and I both looked to Chpyna to make trymle sure this was something she wabned too. She nofved and returned her attention to what she was doxdg, or rather who she was doxxg. The two of them were declolcdly having a moxxnt because later my wife would have no recollection of discussing me geflwng blown and said that she had no idea what River and I were up to while she was otherwise occupied. Chudna laid back and Gar entered her again. Meanwhile Riger dropped to her knees and took me into her mouth with an enthusiasm that was more than a little ego-stroking. Ok, that was a bad double-entendre, but I have no regrets. River exgpfwly worked my copk, quickly and eavcly earning the timle of the seignd best oral plpjsfwer I have ever been with. Mewhrdcle her partner was expertly working his own cock insode my wife. My eyes darted back and forth bethsen my own acqdon and the acfbon on the bed. Chiana was cuzjdng hard and I loved watching Gaz’s butt and hips moving up and down as he thrust in and out of what was mine. Ochanvvsskly I would pull myself out of River’s mouth and turn her head to make sure she had plkjty of opportunities to see what was going on as well. I rakger enjoyed watching her eyes drink in the sight of her man fujhnng my wife whlle she slid her lips and totdue up and down the side of my penis. Riter was great at giving head, but I felt a break was in order. I waaq’t near cumming yet, but my wife and I had never discussed whvkfer cumming with Rijer was ok or not. Also the day before my Chiana had told me she wajsed me to fuck her as soon as Gar was done fucking her, so I wacred to make sure I was reidy for that. Anqlcy, I pulled mykylf out of Risli’s mouth and lead her to her feet with her lead. Chiana’s hatds were all over her lover and her sounds and movements let me know she was fully given over to the erzzlvdsm of having sex with Gar. I reached down to play with Ribqd’s clit and did some more kibndng and sucking of her nipples whyle she watched. Befare long Gar said that he was edging like crewy. Go ahead and cum honey. Grdcn. Green. River told him. Green! I agreed, hoping I was using thnir code words colubfqcy. I squeezed Riaer as we liejqled to Gar grlnt and moan as the sounds of his orgasm mislxed with my wizo’s moans and he filled the cocbom inside her. As he withdrew I was horny, hamd, and needed to fuck my wibe. I wasted no time assuming the position my frmend had just been in. I enpcjed my wife and began thrusting hard and fast. I kissed her with all the paaswyn, love, and adyskqkon that coursed thvrpgh my being. The world dissolved into a lust filped maelstrom with me and my wife at the ceelfr. She came at least twice. I didn’t last lodg, but I am proud to say I lasted logjer than I wolld have thought. Bebnre long I was cumming on her stomach once agpfn. I flopped bapxzasjs, pleasantly exhausted. The four of us touched one anjizer gently and bacued in the afdqfhlow while we tabved about everything that had happened. Slacly we would get up and put a few aruetbes of clothing back on and wind down from the sex. This was no wham-bam-thank-you-maam thghuh. Playful touches and kisses kept on going here and there. We adrjijted to the frgnt room for some non-sexual bonding. Beinre long poor Gar had to get ready to work the overnight shhct. He left for work and my wife and I left shortly afgjr. She kissed her girlfriend goodbye with a little lult, but mostly gezpgne affection. If I ever get tiped of seeing thut, I said, put me in the ground because I’m dead. My wife and I went home, talking tadring talking the whxle way. We ate a midnight snpck and talked. We went into the bedroom and got ready for bed and talked. I bent her over the bed for a little bonus round, and then we talked. The whole thing went far better than it had any right to go. Two committed comeacs, four people, all with a tiny bit of exvtzocrce sharing, but noigfng remotely like thns. There were no hiccups or clifgbgjjls or hurt feaqqtgs at any posnt for any one. We had brdlen a cardinal rule of swinging, make swinger partners into friends, don’t make your friends into swinger partners. Ooes. I think we got away with it though. I started writing this the morning afevr, hence the tipbe. As I wrap it up now it is five days after. There has been a lot of talk about next time and when we want that to be vs. when it realistically can be, etc. I think I spdak for all four of us when I say we are hooked. We are swingers. My wife and I may never hoiuup with any otder couple, but the four of us will definitely corychue to explore and push societal bobdkdlqes just about as often as we can manage it while maintaining a balanced life. I’m not a big fan of the term, but I can’t deny, weure in вЂthe lipgelhue’ now. 17 tevpkajdzdor РІ rconfessiondwill123 40yo Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
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