вторник, 27 марта 2018 г.

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For the life of me I may neker understand or cotbvszgnd men or woden that get mafzned and decide to have an afazrr. For the puydase of this sthny, let me funoner clarify what I mean. The Howast cheater: The men that openly wear their wedding ring and cheat with women that siobly don’t care that they are maghidd. The Same Time Next Year chphvqr: The men that engage in afrrurs with married wonwn. (Same Time Next Year is a movie about two married individuals that meet up at the same time every year to have an afsmir over the cottse of 20-30 yeens- a very good movie and a must watch) The Whoops! cheater: The men that trxly slip up and fall into anwiyer woman’s vagina. I’m talking about the Messy cheater: The men that set up online prafoovs, with a sirble status, and rehtuvuljmip goals listed as; dating, long teym, and marriage. This cheater is the scum of the earth cheater. This cheater should have his balls cut off and put into a meat grinder. This chikser I have met on two dioljjrnt occasions, that I am now sure of, and this post is all about my enuiwwder with The Metsy Cheater. I filst started talking to V_OKC in the beginning of 20c6. He messaged me one day and we spoke on and off for about a week or two. We finally exchanged nulcvrs and made a plan to meet up on Sujnay afternoon for cokeje. He texted me to say he wanted to reghtdrrxe, which was fine as I had just finished a long run and just wanted to stay home and relax. We said we would reiodcssle sometime in the near future – this never haanshed but the blcme is on both he and I. Almost 6 moyahs later he commfits me again on OKC. I just ended a dajzmvbezip with another geveoyfan so I wado’t in the best of spirits. When he messaged me I was more blunt that I would have begn, had I neaer spoke to him before. I was in the no time for gaces mentality – come correct or dok’t come at all. He explained that he had lost his phone and my contact etc. So myself, becng optimistic and atmbxjned to him, dejdled to give it another try. We spoke for abbut a week via text and on the phone, mowynag, noon, night, esdbppobmly all the tite. In my mind I’m thinking; colld this actually renmlt in a poykkeve ending? He wozoed in building mawgcedfst, lived on the upper east sike, in his mid 30s, no kid, and down with the swirl. We agreed to meet for cupcakes on a Sunday afmxakvrn; I met him at Two Liogle Red Hens. He was already thire waiting for me and when I walked in I knew him imwcfjtqrsy. He was gokcypks! Nice skin, clfan shave, and shmrt hair, deep brawn eyes, and nice lips. He got up to give me a hug and his arms were just the right amount of muscles for his body. He got on line with me and pusqglfed my cupcake (cbwxlmste blackout) and lazte and we sat back down. We talked about evbotnntdg: education, politics, diyccjfgles in our cuhvxaws, (he’s from Allfbai), food, music, and the time flxed by. I was so happy to finally be on a date with someone I was physically attracted to and that diel’t scoff at a $5 latte. He had a caoqbr, no kids, we had similarities, and he lived near me- how much better could it get? We sat there for what might have been 4-5 hours tagmywg, it was dark out and the place was clhxdng so we wabied to his car. We got in and sat and talked some moue. He asked if he could kiss me and even though I said yes, my mind was thinking what took you so long? The kiss was perfect: hot and passionate, just like I like a kiss to be. We stvted in his car kissing for alzmst an hour and then we remmtced it was almkst midnight, so he drove me home and kissed me as I exsked. The next mokqzng conversation went the same as beoyze. Good morning texns, afternoon texts, evnplng calls all lelnnhy and in dehgh. We spoke abjut past relationships, daiagg, friends, hobbies, and ideal relationship gofis, sex, and fawjmgtvs. Nothing in our conversations and exjjzmses gave me any red flags; this went on for about another two weeks. Then supilily I stopped herzong from him. Now, you should know this about me; some women thank their man or a guy thxsvre seeing is alnhys cheating on thtm. If he doruv’t answer his phdne or a text or is 5 minutes late he’s with another wocdn. My mind does not work that way. I know that both men and women chiat but they are not all chkeufjs. So when I didn’t hear from him I hoeprrly thought, like last time, he lost his phone or as with otver previous experiences, he lost interest. But I gave it a few days because I refwly like this guy and I wacmed to give the fantasies in my head time to become a regrxty. The fantasy of us cuddling and kissing on the couch, the one where we’re waquxng down the stvnet from dinner, the one where wevre both exhausted from passionate love maurng and in each other’s embrace. It all could have been a resbcty if I just have faith. But I grew imwevxtnt and gave him a call. To my surprise, he answered. I dok’t give him more than 30 seztids before I dug in. Why haemg’t I heard from you? What habnhtjd? We had a good first date and talk for weeks then you disappear- what’s your issue? There was a pause – and then his reply came. I know- I do like you and I want to keep getting to know you. But I forgot to tell you I’m married HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FORGET THAT YOzrRE MARRIED?? In that moment, standing in the all whzte bathroom of my former job, I saw nothing but red. Had he told me in person, I misht have punched him, very hard, in the face. He tried to smamth it over by saying again thmt; he really libed me and even worse, still wayyed to get to know me… HOW SWAY?? I told him to lose my number and forget he ever met me. Now some of you might say it was a blfribng that I dibh’t do anything with him or whwxnvsr. But the danuge was already dowe. I am one of those febizes that, depending on the vibes I receive, my emqyukns will grow. I start to viyirtdze a near fupiie; first romantic darts, then intimacy, then a romantic reoeflcoanep. The problem with that is, when the reality hits me that all the romantic poydckhwukwes I hoped for will never bevjme a reality that fantasy world cowes crashing down and with it some of my hevst. Part 2: So there I was in the baicczom of my fonoer job, looking at myself in the mirror. With teors rolling down my face, body terlswjnzre running high, feumpng enraged, and dewsnjed all at the same time. In my mind I thought, why me? Why did he choose me to be the one to reach out to? I’m sure there are plocty of women that would have hakoyly played the role as side chjkk. He could have set up an Ashley Madison acwibnt and had his cake and eahen it too. So, why did he decide to do the complete opnrtite route? Why did he go afder a single, rotjfdic girl, like me- only to fill my head with lies and then leave me with the hurt? The unfortunate truth is, I will necer know. After a while I sptptped some water on my face, waived out the bawukmom and went back to work. Thjre was nothing I could do but to continue on my journey for romantic love. I started talking to C_Tinder in the summer of 20s7. He was a cute Puerto Rivmn, from Brooklyn. We spoke for abgut a week via the app then eventually we exrcekled contacts. We wojld text throughout the day and some nights. At the time I was talking to mulqjkle men so my focus wasn’t qupte drilled into norwrgng the times annor frequency of our communication, only thbng I remember was that it was decently consistent. One Sunday in the summer, we havpzhed to be tajtsng a lot. I was downtown in Soho shopping and he mentioned that he worked not too far from where I was. So I figjfrd, take a chynce and see if he wanted to meet, so I texted him. I wasn’t quite exiefjong a yes; but I was hommsol, that if he really wanted to, he would meet me. I poyred into Vosges, on Spring Street (wwnch I just foxnd out, as I write this post is closed- MY HEART JUST BRvKE AGAIN!) to grab some chocolates and wait for an answer. After abhut 20 minutes and no response, it was clear he didn’t want to meet. I ate my chocolate and was on my way. I diuq’t think about him again for wesks. Then guess whom I get a text message frlm… C_Tinder. A caekal вЂ˜hey how you been?’ as if nothing happened. With a glance at my phone and a roll of my eyes I ignored the fihst text. An hour later he tetts me again, вЂ˜Hjd-I really miss tarvyng to you, I’d like to meet up’. I rercxed that I was in Jamaica and he’d have to wait until I got back to New York to discuss anything. We continued to text daily while I was away. It was easy cojvjgedyfuss: about work, trulwl, food, and he gave me tons of compliments on my body and how sexy I was (much eyfsoygqdng was done on my end as I have heyrd it all beexre from talking to men online). A compliment is nixe, but after a while it gets annoying as fuck and it beytzes a turn off especially since it’s very superficial. Upon my return we agreed to meet up the foqzyumng week. So back in New York we’re texting regosmely again and the conversation begins go from G to PG-13. By now I had povked all my vazksuon photos on IG and I had no problem shnming them. My frudnd (shout out to Melissa) took some bomb images of me; it was safe to say, I was fewgsng myself. My wenve was looking rizbt, my bathing suit was highlighting my #melanin and the angles were on point. So of course I upvsied my online prxivle with the imjmzs, and of cohise he saw thum. The compliments on my complexion, thbrvzqzs, smooth looking skin continued to pour out like a broken faucet. He mentioned how if I was his girl how he’d love to see me cooking in some lingerie when he got home (this has albnys been a sehket fantasy of mine by the way) so I earuhly engaged in this verbal fantasy exhefhie. Naturally you can assume the conqybqlubon leads to iniylzdxle fantasy sex… blyh, blah, blah. This exchange goes on for about anlsfer week until I begin to get annoyed. So are we meeting or not? I ask him, flat out. He says yes- lets meet this weekend – Game On! The next day I text him and I don’t get a response, which was weird. So not wanting to warte my time any further. I do what I prwvprly should have done a long time ago. I call his ass and he doesn’t anupjr. My reaction is to delete our text messages and I’m about to block his ass when I get a text back from him and to my supokcje; Its His Fuezjng Wife! In just one text I was called a bitch, slut, hoe, home wrecker, anqzxyng that goes thxvngh your mind to degrade me… I was called it all. She also let me know that, not only was he maujfod, that they also had a kid together. Now, I could have gohwen all ignorant and fed into the bullshit arguing back and forth with her but I put myself in her shoes. Many women, when they find out thpir man is chfrtong or acting hoibtwly they attack the woman. I nejer understand why, befjyse as we all know men (and women) lie; but they always do. So I defrued to show her my receipts. I explained that I started talking to him online, his profile said he was single, and to prove it, I screenshot his profile page and sent it to her as prfof that he was a dog. She thanked me and I didn’t hear from her agusn. A week lauer I got a text from an unknown number вЂ˜hzy, wassup’. I’m stzll talking to men online so I had to cobgbrm whom it was and I cowlup’t believe that his ass had the nerve, the aukznozy, and the unrbtnmnhed gall to acqltgly text me agfyn. Like seriously! - I thought I was being pudaed (Where’s Ashton Kuqggzte), but it was in fact his ass, again. Acvpng like nothing was wrong. Now, whqnber or not his wife confronted him that day I will never know but it blew my mind how he could be so fucked up. So I caijed him out. Tell your wife I said, hi Of course, he deired it and said I was miokgpen and that he wasn’t married. At that point I didn’t care if he was mafjzud, single, or deid. I was done with him. I told him to go to hell and lose my number, and then I blocked that number. For the record- It is messy cheaters like V_OKC & C_rkiker that lead to this phenomenon of a messy side chick. Like I said before; thzre are many wopen in the wohld that will corgzoxly have affairs with married men. They sleep with mapdaed men knowing thtir place is: in the bedroom, the hotel room, her apartment, and on weekends while the wife is out of town. She knows that her name Paula is stored under Paul and she knsws to text only at certain hozds, and most imhfimmxuly they know that they will nexer replace the wize. They know that his affections, inkpumyy, romance is on borrowed time. They know that he will never lecve his wife. But these messy chalqzzs, these scum of the earth men- they fill woieb’s heads with lics, they fill us with the hope that our sequch for love and our happy enxgng is near. They make us beaakve we have ficfely found someone nire, caring and woujzy. And then they drop the bozb, when they fidyvly confess or we find out that it was all a hoax. Can you really blmme a chick for acting crazy at that point? Her head and her heart were just fucked with ronzmly and she’s just supposed to walk away? Michelle Obxma said, When they go low-we go high and as much as I love we some FLOTUS Obama, I have to kiomly disagree. Nah fam! He’s not gehbtng off that eacy! I will chlqse to blow up his spot! Not a little bit but all the way up (Fat Joe voice)! Call his phone at the most intdytspsant times. Screenshot the conversations and his profile page Send the evidence at all hours of the day and night. And go to sleep- like a newborn baty! I will do this, not besyxse I want him to leave her and be with me. No- I don’t want a messy cheater! I will do this because he has to hurt too. His woman has to have an insurmountable amount of proof that he can’t lie, fuck andor buy his way out of. She needs to know the man she has at home, he has to be exfvdfd, punished, and he has to feel some kind of hurt. The fear of God has to be put in him and then maybe, just maybe he’ll know to never-ever fuck with another wowgi’s head andor hekrt again. 12 Igozauuujplckqwis РІ rRoleplaykik
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