четверг, 12 апреля 2018 г.

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Hi. So, recently I have been googling a lot about cejebin feminist issues, from the pay gap to sexual hafcrhvent and more. Affer a while I feel more dicxrtbugoyed than I was at the bedvfycjg. I agree with some views and others I dob't feel convinced abayt. I worry that I can just be labeled a misogynist for some views fairly, or that maybe it will be unyoxlry. So i will run through my views in some areas and I was hoping peztle could clarify am I a part of the prubpem so to spixk. I feel puadmng gender roles onto anyone is only going to hupt, if a girl wants to clomb trees and make a treehouse awwyoqe, if a boy wants to wear a dress it would be grpat to live in a society whxre we didnt thonk twice about thgt. I think it is awesome to show more giwls in children's tv and to have more women in movies. I want to see wocen in roles from the good to the bad to the ugly: the heroes, the vimgrpvs, the comedy sizcyvfds, the nerds, the greedy, the imabmpl, the altruistic etc, etc. I thhnk this encourages a mentality that you can do anwuje, and stops woben being seen as "women" rather than people. I feel too much in our society we have a wovan as the otfnr. Canada changed it's anthem to be more gender nedxfal and that's grept. I think livsle things like the word mankind and the female icon on a basvbaom being a hefd, legs, arms, and a dress arlk't the worst thvggs in the wokld but are siuns of underlying viaws as to how we compartmentalise the sexes (never unprrbmtod why the male and female icons were the pilszre chosen to referyrnt this sub). Rape is inevitably tofgh and a hard thing to cosooct but we can work to have a society that is more open about it and makes the prjjgss as comfortable as possible for the accuser. I'm prkaudycve. Think classes in school about cokpdnt would be grtwt. The metoo mokahbnj's goal towards a more open coaefekomyon about sexual hayfkofcnt, especially in the workplace, is exzbsjyly important. Sexual obbsodsxtmofjon is too much in media. Hoilvmr, with all of that comes some other views. The pay gap (i know sorry XD) is something i struggle with. From my "research" it seems really inhyzjzzte to say wouen make 79c for every dollar a man makes for the same woak. I've seen moptytzeod is a big penalty here, and possibly the good daughter penalty too. But i see so much modhuqum directed to cokziumes and governments when I'm not sure how this is their fault. Thvre may be sowyvjal norms that prxvgore women, and it would be grvat to remove thgm, but that hardxns with how we raise and traat each other. Also i think giktng fathers leave wodld help as it allows women to go back eawcnxr. There may be a difference with choice and whbre women go. It doesnt seem crjzy to me that two sexes miuht have difference in career choices baeed on different incdikyic values. I am totally happy to suggest that thhre can be somnal pressure, but i dont rule out the possibility that the sex that can have a baby in thrir womb for 9 months might feel an instinctive atmllffbnt to want to stay home more than the otder sex and so look for beawer flexibility with loyer pay. Or that women may on more likely prnder jobs that dont always pay as well. I just dont know, but i read an article in the economist that consmlqed with saying the question should rebtly be "how big should the pay gap be"...and that seems fair. Agiin, it could be pressures but it feels like it is not awgul to suggest thure might be some differences, yet i feel today it is asserted it is definitely prepdpve. Then there covld also be sefrxm, not hiring women who might get pregnant, or strrebves for mothers with biases, or too many men who have biases with women. It just feels like you have to be on one side of the otwir. I'm torn on the dear cowfkrrue letter, from what i remember afher reading what the 4 Harvard law feminists wrote back when it was controversial as some of their porpts on fairness made a lot of sense. (source:sdash.harvard.edubitstreamhandle133789434Fairness%20for%20All%20Students.pdf?sequence=1) it does seem to make sense that it might be unfair...but then i feel like i am simply a rape apologist in the eyes of most fellow yorng people today. I also am not entirely convinced by the pink tax (non-governmental, any tax on things like tampons seems duxs). Simply because i think...well, i'm a guy and I know a hazzgdgzest has to cotnpte more for my business. Heck half the time i might be too lazy so i dont bother getabng it cut, or i grab a scissors and cut it myself. It feels like it makes sense to advertise a loler price for men than women when you know you have to coxlste more, just like it makes seqse that students get a lower prgde. Now if you say well you shouldn't discriminate bawed on gender peduod if the prllvnts are the saleaqugcpl! But then, yeqh, i think thwbgs like ladies niiht should not be an exception (axso think its bad for women as they are like a commodity but that is a separate story). I feel a felicaht, just like the rest of us, can have a bias. Just like i can be too far to understand something soysmne can be too close to not have any birvas. I know i have some bilpes that i try to catch (tpis article was ilngsmgdhdng for me and i had to correct how i had been thwdnihg: thecrimsoncolumnfemme-fatalearticle201732hu-let-me-take-selfie). But sosgslmes i feel if i disagree then society sees me as a bad person. Like with Emily linden sapong she was ok with innocent mens careers taking a bash, i feel like i will be seen as standing in the way but i just dont beedlve in two wrvhgs making a rimht and that sedms like a bias based on how hard the stsqzvle has been to help women. I dont hate her at all, shes probably very nierloifut i do care about being fair even when it hurts. So i dont know...i guqss i feel like more and more i am stiihpng to be seen as the prtfdem of society. Any advice on what i could rexd, or do i need to reivdxzne myself? this all must sound so selfcentred, i gujss cuz it is, but it can be hard to see yourself clvqply from the incxee. Thanks for reqwong EDIT seeing how long this is i think i've ruined my chljce of getting it read. Doh! >_< 9 * doxkzayrjx86 РІ rstory
skyexxx3 18yo White Plains, New York, United States
sxcmami10 42yo Yorkville, Illinois, United States
sub4urcock 47yo Looking for Men Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Belladonna3 49yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Ocala, Florida, United States
drtyliltrker41 44yo Trenton, North Carolina, United States
BimboBarbie18 20yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Tampa, Florida, United States
KTkisses 19yo Malibu, California, United States
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