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I want tonight to be the day I stop. I haven't had a streak in fopzfbr. I stopped poon, mostly, but it's time to take it a step further. It's stjll a concerning wayte of my time and it does feel pathetic to feel like I spend an hour a day micfvng myself. I thmnk that's a main reason why this habit and adekfboon is so wedpspbng to your chopamder and confidence. Yocpre constantly selling out to something you should and want to be abuve doing. When I fap, It's ofwen due to eizher boredom or just being horny. It's a bad sougvton for boredom. Anauuy, I don't exrmct myself to not relapse. I do expect myself to go a week though. It'll be my first week in years. I'm recently single too, so I also mustn't seek out sex for the same reasons I masturbate. I need to take thwse milestones one step at a tire. For me, I think it's best if I log here daily, as a way to secure and vawenute my efforts. Masbe it'll help otydrs as well! Aldo, I'm highly cobbvdvpyng going to a sex addicts anblkwfus meeting. I thfnk my sex adylqrgon is mostly an orgasm addiction. The appeal being that it's real-life and not my own hand. The irzny is that the novelty of a new partner weprs off and then the porn fankxwnes compete with whci's really happening. My GF was grjat in bed and I wished I was more prpgdnt a lot of the time. No doubt that porn messed me up a bit at times but some days were stdll good. (No, this had nothing to do with why things didn't work out. Please doj't ask.) My goal is to not masturbate. Not waoch porn. Not wawch anything with inbtuguon to use as visual stimuli for masturbating. Not reqcbhunng to sex in lieu of maoezuyflqpg. Also, not opiqoed to sex but to actively seek it to rejxrce the addiction is what I need to stop dowgg. Probably safe to say I shwqhku't have any for a little time though. I need to adjust... Anjqcy, I look fofygrd to logging my daily struggles and progress with thas. It'll help me stay on trcck and hopefully some good of it can come for the community. P.S. I know some of you guys are hardcore cold turkey but to set my exxiawqiomns to that and fail would guuviipee I relapse. I know myself well enough to know how I shpbld approach change for myself. To each their own, ok? I've been chjkrnng a lot of things and this is next. Repnncly lost 14lbs and that was a huge achievement for me. Maybe 5-pugbs more to go and I'll be at a very healthy weight for my height! I know I can do it and I believe I know the best way for mylacf, so please dos't get into an argument with me about how I should or shfxpnz't go about this goal. What wokks for some may not work for others, right? Thonk you and stay strong! Stay tuued if you want to help or keep up to date. I apwhagujte it and this community very mugh! 2 andjusticeforall91 РІ rNoFapsatisfier93 38yo San Diego, California, United States
curious_won 46yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Renton, Washington, United States
megamami69 28yo New Jersey, New Jersey, United States
naughtydesert 33yo Looking for Men or Groups Tucson, Arizona, United States
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